Ten+ Places to Find Digital Content for Your Lessons

Hunting the Internet for the perfect content for your lessons can be time-consuming. Hopefully this list will help you save time and stop you from scrolling through pages of Google search results. And, believe it or not, this is my short list of places to find digital content for your lessons—so feel free to add to it! Please share your own short list in the comments below.

1. Wide Open School

On Wide Open School you can view free content by grade band curated by Common Sense Media.

2. Video/Content Libraries

Search and filter these libraries to find the perfect instructional videos.

3. YouTube

I'm sure you already have your own favorites. Here are a few channels I've gathered from across the curriculum:
Browse their courses in Math, Science, Reading & Language Arts, Life Skills and more!

6. Seesaw's Community Library

Teachers who use Seesaw should definitely take some time to search the community library. You will find a lot of great content across the subjects.

7. Nearpod Library

Filter by standard, subject, grade, or resource type to find interactive presentations for your students.

8. Game Libraries

There are many game libraries online. Here are some I have used:
Check with your district to see if you have access to any subscription content. Here's a list of popular subscription-based content you may have in your district.
Don't forget to share your favorite places for digital content in the comments below!

Photo by Marcus Aurelius from Pexels


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